After many years spent in...

... corporations, where tables and targets were more important than people, two girls decided to create something together ... we thought that this is how our story began, but it was not the real beginning. It all started when each of us was looking for a beautiful, colorful, good quality blanket... and none of us found anything in Poland. "Little" Gosia was looking for an interesting design, "Big" Gosia was looking for a large blanket, which she can cover herself from head to toe. And then we both met for coffee, told about our problems and that's when we decided to create a brand of blankets that would be colorful, natural, good quality, available in different sizes and multifunctional.

We are very different, in fact, we are probably opposites, but thanks to that we complement each other perfectly when working on our projects. We decided to change the current daily rush for a completely different type of work - one that gives us the opportunity to create, develop, and also gives space for passions, rest, family and friends. We want to create valuable products that will bring as much joy to our customers as we did creating them.

We design patterns that will match any interior, lifestyle and mood, and that will make us feel comfortable. 

We wanted to create an ethical brand, socially responsible and not burdening our planet, therefore:

– we produce in small quantities to make sure that each blanket will find its owner

– we produce in the USA and Europe because thanks to this we have the ability to control production and maintain its high standards

– we produce from natural (cotton) fibers from recycling

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